



200mm Isover Spacesaver Loft Roll Insulation Glass Fibre Wool - 5.2m x 1160mm

Product CodePS004037
Product Description

Product Code PS004037

Isover Spacesaver is a high quality thermal insulation, perforated along the roll to allow the user the choice of full, half or third width options from a single roll. Typically used as loft insulation. BENEFITS Three products in one roll, therefore reducing storage space Exceptional tear strength Totally non-combustible Durable - not easily damaged in storage, during transport or on site when installed Easy to install Long product life - will not age Environmental Information Isover glasswool insulation is manufactured from a combination of silica sand and up to 80% recycled post consumer glass from building regeneration projects or flat glass manufacture that would otherwise go to landfill. Thismakes Isover one of themost environmentally sustainable insulation products on the market today. Thematerial credentials of installing Isover glassmineral wool insulation include: Zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) Zero GWP (GlobalWarming Potential)

Coverage 6.032m2
Length 5200mm
Width 1160mm

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